
The event will take place in the Georg Christoph Lichtenberg-Haus of TU Darmstadt. You can travel to the venue taking bus line F, that runs every quarter of an hour during the day (between 7 a.m. and 8 p.m.), the bus stop "Fasanerie" is located directly in front of the estate. The bus line F offers a direct connection from Darmstadt central station (Hbf) via the city center (Luisenplatz et al.) to the stop "Fasanerie". As an exception to the other lines the bus stop of line F is located on the west side of central station, you must leave the station through the entrance above track 12 in order to find it. When travelling by car, you can find parking space next to the Lichtenberg-Haus, the address is "Dieburger Straße 241, 64287 Darmstadt".


Unfortunately we are not allowed to recommend any accommodation facilities on our website due to legal restrictions. But we are happy to submit proposals for accommodation we can recommend via e-mail. Please contact Oliver Schmid (oschmid (at) for further information.

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